A different way to_ [LEARN CODING_ ]

We don't just teach. We unlock potential.

HashHackCode Academy

HashHackCode Academy provides inclusive tech education and mentorship for learners of all backgrounds and abilities. We believe in the power of coding to unlock potential and celebrate the unique strengths of every mind. We embrace neurodiversity and reject labels, building a learning community where everyone can thrive.


At HashHackCode, we believe every child has the potential to excel in coding. We're proud to work with a diverse community of learners including those with:

  • Autism
  • Dyslexia
  • Down Syndrome
  • Learning Difficulties

our curriculum is -


tech education_ >

At HashHackCode, we're charting a unique path through the tech education landscape. We believe learning to code is more than just mastering a skill-it's about unlocking potential and embarking on a journey of discovery. Our curriculum, crafted from years of insight and passion, is the heartbeat of our mission to redefine the coding education experience.

</ We don't just teach code

We Inspire Innovation Our curriculum cultivates curiosity, logical thinking, and creative problem-solving. We don't just teach syntax - we empower learners to think like innovators and use technology to change the world.

</ Inclusive by Design

Our curriculum embraces diverse learning styles and caters to individuals with unique cognitive abilities. We believe everyone deserves the chance to explore coding, regardless of background

</ Your Journey, Your Pace

Whether you're a beginner or ready to dive deeper, our flexible curriculum adapts to you. Progress at your own pace, with personalized guidance every step of the way.

</ Where Learning Comes Alive

We make coding exciting! Our immersive curriculum fosters a love of learning, turning challenges into opportunities. Discover the power of code as a tool for self-expression and creative solutions.









Curious about what sets HashHackCode apart
from others? Here's out recipe for success:

Inclusivity / Empowerment / Equitable tech education / Strengths / Cognitive diversity / Coding / Creativity / Innovation / Mentorship / Learning / Accessibility / Diversity / Social impact / Growth / Career transformation / Collaboration / Ecosystem / Transcend barriers / Teaching

Empathy / Advocacy / Opportunity / Resilience / Empower / Community / Empowerment / Reskilling / Lifelong Learning / Leadership / Adaptability / Digital Literacy / Equality / Intersectionality / Tech Skills / Inclusive Design / Bridge Gaps / Supportive Environment /Empowerment

Equity / Representation / Belonging / Collaboration / Access / Advocacy / Inclusion / Empowerment / Creativity / Adaptability / Opportunity / Skill-building / Social Justice / Digital Inclusion / Empower / collaboration / Lifelong Learning / Skill Diversity / Tech Literacy

Inclusiveness / Transformation / Social Equity / strengths / Digital Literacy / Community / Opportunity / Pioneering / Paradigm-shifting / Disruptive / Catalytic / diversity / social impact / growth / career transformation / Ingenuity / Vanguard / Epiphany / Prodigy

Customized Learning Paths

At HashHackCode, we believe every learner has a unique path to coding success. Our personalized mentorship adapts to each student's strengths and needs. We guide them through progressive skill-building, from foundational concepts to advanced techniques. This approach ensures that our students don't just learn to code - they develop the confidence and expertise to thrive in their coding journey.




Apply online.

Complete our online application to apply for our Foundation Course.


Parent Interview.

Phone interview with the parent, to Read more about the student.


Tech Screening.

Series of simple tasks to evaluate the student's proficiency in tech.


Learning Assessment.

Trial class for the student, to better understand their learning style.

[Student's Feedback]

"At HashHackCode, it's all about putting theory into action. The practical projects, guidance from mentors, and the lively community have made my learning journey not just educational but also relevant to real-life situations. It's been an immersive experience that's truly prepared me for what's ahead."


Verified Learner

"Enrolling at HashHackCode was the best decision I ever made for my career. From day one, I've felt welcomed and supported by the community. I'm grateful for the experience and the connections I've gained since joining."


Verified Learner

"HashHackCode has truly transformed my career journey. The encouragement from the community and the practical learning opportunities have boosted my skills and led me to thrilling new prospects."


Verified Learner

"Becoming a part of HashHackCode completely shifted my career path. The mentorship, supportive community, and engaging projects have not only honed my skills but also expanded my perspectives in ways I never imagined."


Verified Learner

"HashHackCode is more than an educational platform; it's a thriving community that has fueled my passion for coding. The mentorship and camaraderie have made my learning experience truly exceptional."


Verified Learner

"Choosing HashHackCode was one of the best decisions I've made. The dynamic learning environment, thee emphasis on real-world applications, and the supportive community have set the stage for my success."

Adi Raval

Verified Learner

"HashHackCode goes beyond traditional education. It's a dynamic ecosystem that fosters innovation and collaboration. The experiences and connections I've gained here are invaluable for my career growth."


Verified Learner

"My time at HashHackCode has truly been life-changing. The blend of challenges, the incredible support system, and the real-world projects have prepared me for a bright future in coding. I couldn't be more grateful for the experience."


Verified Learner

"At HashHackCode, it's all about putting theory into action. The practical projects, guidance from mentors, and the lively community have made my learning journey not just educational but also relevant to real-life situations. It's been an immersive experience that's truly prepared me for what's ahead."


Verified Learner

"At HashHackCode, it's more than just a learning environment; it's a family. The feeling of belonging, the constant encouragement from mentors, and the hands-on skills I've gained have played a huge role in shaping my professional growth."


Verified Learner

FAQs -


For any further enquiries regarding our
curriculum or courses, please get in
touch with us.

I have no prior experience with Coding. Can I still learn?

Absolutely! Coding is for everyone, regardless of age or background. Starting with the basics and progressing at your own pace makes learning coding possible and enjoyable.

What do I need to know before learning Coding?

No specific prior knowledge is required. An interest in solving problems and a willingness to experiment and learn from mistakes are great starting points.

How does coding strengthen logical thinking?

Coding involves breaking down problems into smaller, manageable parts and solving them systematically. This process enhances logical thinking by teaching coders to sequence steps, recognize patterns, and develop problem-solving strategies.

Can learning Coding improve my problem-solving skills?

Yes, coding directly contributes to better problem-solving skills. It teaches you different ways to approach and solve problems, often leading to more creative and efficient solutions.

Is Coding only for creating websites and apps?

No, coding is used in many fields beyond websites and apps, including data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific research, and more. The skills you learn through coding are versatile and applicable in numerous domains

  • What is coding? why it is important?

    Coding is the process of using a programming language to get a computer to behave as desired. It's essential because it enables problem-solving, logical thinking, and the creation of software and digital content, which are fundamental in today's technology-driven world.

Ready to unlock your potential?


Discover the Power of Inclusive Tech Education

Saravana's story of striding towards a promising career:

Saravanaraj was born on September 12th 2001 at Madurai, the historic temple city in Tamilnadu, South India. He is our second child and has an elder sibling. As a child Saravana's physical development was completely normal. At around the age of two and a half, we became aware that his milestones were getting consistently delayed.

The fulfilling journey of budding and passionate coder Sadiq:

One day, I was watching my two-year-old son play around with a birthday gift that required him to put colorful rings inside pegs to match the number specified. Instead of matching the rings with a particular number, Sadiq happily started sorting rings according to their respective colors and did a great job of it.

Alan's inspiring and poignant story of grit and perseverance:

I was 33 years old when Alan was born. He had a flat nose, almond-shaped eyes, and short limbs. He looked like a doll. I felt blessed. A few hours later, I was told that he had Down's Syndrome and was born without an anus. Even before I could absorb what Down's Syndrome meant,

Ananth's story of positivity:

Ananth is a bright and affectionate young man of 23 years. He is a determined and persevering person who loves people. He was in his teens when he became aware that he is on the Autism spectrum. Contrary to what one would expect, the discovery of being neurodiverse brought him great relief and a whole new way of defining himself.

Ankita's story of transforming into a purposeful career:

Ankita was born in Bangalore in 1996. She is our firstborn child. When she was around eight months old, we moved to Chennai where my husband had set up his business. While growing up Ankita was seemingly normal. She achieved all the motor milestones on time and was a cheerful and happy baby.

The Inspiring Journey of Coder Prem:

It was a chance meeting with Manu Sekar the founder of HashHackCode in 2019 during a job Fair workshop in Chennai that changed Prem's life forever. Right from his childhood, Prem wanted to be in a computer job, probably inspired by his aunt's sons who were in the US, working as software developers. Today his dream is close to becoming a reality.

Nurturing the hidden talent of FutureCoder Arvind:

They say that destiny doesn't give the hardest battles to the toughest soldiers; It creates the toughest soldiers out of life's hardest battles. We were a family of four, based in New Delhi. My elder son was born with a congenital mitochondrial disorder which was characterized by a complete lack of motor control,

Kirthik's story of giving voice to artistic abilities and ingenuity:

Our only expectation when I was carrying a child sixteen years ago was that our baby should be a healthy one. We had no other aspirations besides this. I had a normal, happy and uneventful pregnancy. Kirthik was born in the port city of Thoothukudi, Tamilnadu. We were ecstatic when our baby was born and felt blessed.

Aditya's journey of success in overcoming trials and tribulations:

Aditya's journey has been an extraordinary one. From a musician, an artist and now a future coder. The journey of 18 years has been a tough but fulfilling one. Aditya's birth was a big celebration as he was the first born in both families. Immediately after his birth, we shifted to the UK and he spent his initial years there.

Decoding the inspiring journey of 10 year old Shagnik into Creative Coding!:

Technology has made remarkable progress in every sphere of life over the past few years. People from all walks of life use technology and are becoming more and more tech-savvy. However, when it comes to children, there's a constant argument as to whether technology